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Vol. 55 of Folklore: EJF came out

The current issue comprises five articles based on the papers presented at the session Archaeology of Holiness at the 12th Nordic Theoretical Archaeology Group meeting in 2012. Anne Carlie and Maria Petersson analyse Swedish archaeological material and its religion-related interpretations. Sonja Hukantaival studies folk religion and its manifestations in archaeological material. Tõnno Jonuks and Tuuli Kurisoo’s article focuses on the problems of Christianisation, the sources and interpretations of ‘Christian influences’. Ester Oras discusses the meanings and differences of two specific terms in the archaeology of religion – sacrifice and offer. In addition, the issue presents the initial results of the three-year research project, The Materiality of Religion: Religious Artefacts in Estonian Archaeological Collections, which was financed by the Estonian Research Foundation (ETF grant 8956).
The special issue of Folklore: EJF has been compiled and edited by Tõnno Jonuks and Ester Oras.
Folklore: EJF 55 can be found as a free online version at

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