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This page introduces the list of e- and virtual books hosted on the server Haldjas. These have been prepared within different projects. E- and virtual publications are full-text publications for free public use.
Please note that most material presented here is protected by copyright laws and should not be copied or reproduced without consent from the copyright owner. Also, please give the authors due credit and use proper references when citing the material. If you have any problems, questions, suggestions please contact us.
The publications list can be sorted either by title, author or ISBN number. To sort by any of these, click the corresponding column header.
Abbreviations refer to the language of the publication: Est in Estonian. Eng in English. Ger in German. Erzian in Erzian. Mokša in Mokšan, Komi in Komi language.

View: All | English | Estonain | German | Other

Books heading Books authorISBN/ISSNLang.

Коми муюгыд

Николай Кузнецов, Наталья Колегова

ISBN: 9985-867-63-7


Мокшэрзянь мифологиясь

Татьяна Девяткина

ISBN: 9985-867-24-6


Песни сибирских эстонцев

Anu Korb

ISBN: 978-9949-544-33-2


Водские и ижорские народные песни

Составитель Janika Oras

ISBN: 978-9949-544-56-1


Коми фольклор. Собрал П. Аристэ

Николай Кузнецов

ISBN: 978-9949-446-09-4


Коми фольклор. Чукöртiс П. Аристэ

Николай Кузнецов

ISBN: 978-9949-446-09-4


Эрзянь-мокшонь, этнологиясь, фолклорось ды религиясь

ISBN: 9985-851-91-9


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