Internet. Processes of construction, reproduction and transformation of narratives, values and identities (2005-2008)

ETF grant 6824

The target goals: to cover the domains which have not yet been studied (temporary or permanent on-line groups such as geocachers, SF and pet-owners, patients with serious or incurable medical problems, etc.), to characterize the communication models, the spreading of information and lore in a group or virtual community; to observe communication between professionals and non-professionals (medical professionals versus patients and their kin; astronomers versus amateurs; anonymous web echoes in public forums); to carry out theoretical-practical research in the field of folklore databases and portals; to promote Estonian local and international research in the field.

Selection of WORKING PAPERS and presentations

Mare Kalda. Geocaching Online and Offline. On Representation of a Game from the Estonian Perspective

Mare Kalda. 1200 aastat virtuaalruumis. ATU 1645A kohanemise näide. In Estonian

Mare Kalda. Mis teeb tekstist küberteksti? Espen Aarsethi teoreetiliste käsitlustega kaasa mõeldes. In Estonian

Mare Kõiva. On-line medicine. Narratives in the Inter-patient discussion Group

Mare Kõiva. Diasporaa ja meedia. In Estonian

Mare Kõiva. Dialoog teaduskogude ja uurimistöö vahel Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi näitel. In Estonian

Mare Kõiva. Inimeste ja loomade suhted. In Estonian

Mare Kõiva. Modelling Comet Lore. Estonian Folklore Records and 17th Century Japanese Diary

Mare Kõiva. The Comet Lulin: Impact on Society Research

Mare Kõiva. Folkloor ja kogukonnad Neopets ja näitel

Mare Kõiva. Piret Voolaid, Liisa Vesik. Dialogue between Digitization and Folkloristic Research

Mare Kõiva. Liisa Vesik, Rahel Laura Vesik. Transmission of Knowledge to Estonian Children

Mare Kõiva, Liisa Vesik, Andres Kuperjanov. Computers and the Ritual year

Mare Kõiva & Andres Kuperjanov. The Moon in Baltic-Finnic Mythology

Andres Kuperjanov. Nebesnye rasskazy

Andres Kuperjanov. Stars of Time and Stars of Date in Estonian Ethnoastronomy

Andres Kuperjanov. Celestial Pantheons

Andres Kuperjanov. Aeg ja ruum/Time and Space. Eesti Taevas II/Estonian Sky 2

Andres Kuperjanov. Arheoastronoomia - mis see on? In Estonian

Andres Kuperjanov. Sandivanker. In Estonian

Andres Kuperjanov. Astral Myths in Estonia

Andres Kuperjanov. Animals in Estonian Folk Astronomy

Andres Kuperjanov. The Moon in Baltic-Finnic Religious Practices

EKM Fo , EFI  
Kujundus Andres Kuperjanov, Mare Kõiva
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© 'cps 08, Mare 2009